









Growing Lilies in Iowa and neighboring states since 1973

IRLS Lily Symposium

We have several topics and speakers in mind who will share their lily knowledge, and
other garden related topics.
More knowledge is a good thing.


Lily Bulb Exchange

Dividing and exchanging lily bulbs has long been an IRLS tradition. If you divide your lilies this fall you can bring bulbs to meetings for exchange with other members!

2025 Lily Show

The IRLS hosts an annual Lily Show for participants to display their lilies and compete
in a variety of categories. Judges award ribbons for each lily and the most beautiful
lilies in each category move to the Head Table for the Major Awards. 

Here are some of the amazing Opportunities we have available:

Annual June Lily Show

Annual Spring and Fall Lily Bulb Sales

Educational Meetings, Newsletters, Seminars

Photo library,
lily garden bus tours